New Book: Fiddler’s Dream

Cover art for "Fiddler's Dream"Another fine book on Missouri fiddling, “Fiddler’s Dream: Old-Time, Swing, and Bluegrass Fiddling in Twentieth-Century Missouri,” has been written by Dr. Howard Marshall and will be published by the University of Missouri Press (Columbia, MO) on June 30, 2017. This is the project that picks up where the 2012 book & CD, “Play Me Something Quick and Devilish,” left off. So, the time span for “Fiddler’s Dream” is from the 1920s to the early 1960s, and it includes chapters on early fiddlers contests, swing, early bluegrass, and more.

The book includes a CD produced by Voyager Records (Seattle, WA) including 30 tunes, ranging from a 1939 radio broadcast featuring Lonnie Robertson to a 2015 home recording of Cecil Goforth. Other fiddlers represented on the CD (many more are discussed in the book) are Howe Teague, Roy Wooliver, Bert Lewis, Billy Moore, Don Russell, Leroy Canaday, Larry Ellis, Luther Caldwell, Emmett Heath, Zed Tennis, Bobby Joe Caldwell, Dale Pauley, Jamie Haage, Lyman Enloe, Delbert Spray, Warren Helton, Roger Williams, John Williams, and Pete McMahan. There are also tunes from Missouri fiddlers who migrated to the West — Ishmael (Ozark Red) Loveall, Earl Willis, Ellis Cowan, Ron Hughey, and Bob Fast.

Book Release Events

  • Friday, June 2, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Jefferson City, Downtown Book & Toy​ on High Street (​book signing​ only​​).
  • Thursday, July 13, 2107, 7 pm, Jefferson City, Missouri Valley Regional Library, Art Gallery, program with live fiddle music, with book signing after.
  • Saturday, September 23, mid-day, Gainesville, program with live music at The Historium museum, during Hootin an’ Hollerin Festival. (Featuring fiddler H. K. Silvey)
  • Saturday, November 18, 9:30 am, Columbia, book talk with live music at Boone County Historical Society museum, Nifong Park.
  • Saturday, December 2, 9:30 am, Columbia, Osher Institute, Book Talk with live music. (Featuring fiddler Dale Pauley)
  • Monday, December 11, 7 pm, Columbia, Daniel Boone Regional Library.

You can pick up your copy locally at Downtown Book & Toy in Jefferson City, or order it online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or directly from the University of Missouri Press.

Congratulations are due to Howard on a job well done!